Saturday 27 June 2015

The Conquerors of the Useless

It's been a while since I posted here, been super busy. Climbing, uni and work piled up for most of April, and then I spent a lot of time climbing in May and I forgot to post anything.

To be honest, I haven't much missed writing here because I've been having a lot of fun with life and climbing. I've had the best leads of my time climbing so far, and soloed the Cuillin Ridge in 12 hours (an aim that has hung over me for a long, long time).

But just like back in January, I've came to the point of thinking, what the hell is the point? I love it more than anything else in my life but I can't figure out why the most useless part of each day is also the best? Whether it's a pitch on the side of a crag, a walk up a hill or a stolen hour at Kimbers, I never regret it.

I don't know if I'll ever understand why I do this stuff, it's useless and has no point, pretty much like everything else in life I suppose. But it never lets me down, whether it give me success or failure, happiness or sadness. Maybe that's why I keep going back, time after time, after everything it puts me through, it's always the one solid thing in my life. And I appreciate that more than anything.

Here's some photo's of my exploits from the past few months.

Failure: I wasn't prepared for the commitment of this route and I had to be lowered off.

The best night I've had, even if I didn't sleep much!

Nostalgia, a wander up the lump that sparked my interest in hills.

Cuillin Ridge: Glen Brittle to Sligachan in 12 hours 10 minutes starting from Sgurr nan Eag.

5 hour round of the Ring of Steall, enjoying hill walking again.

Dingle: A long awaited route for myself, and worth it.

My second proper E1 lead, Lava Lout. A run out exercise in thin slab climbing

My first new route, Spanglers Bunner Seevere,4b

On the second ascent of Jacobite Rising.